ADvance DirectivesPastoral CareDecker Learning Center

We know you have a variety of opportunities to find information about your health. The videos provided in this playlist have been approved by Adirondack Health as a helpful, informative and educational resource for our patients. If you have any questions regarding any of the topics discussed in these videos, please ask your healthcare provider. If you’re having a medical emergency, call 911.

Advance directives

What is a healthcare proxy?

What to expect at the end of life


Aspira drainage system

Caring for your surgical drain

Managing your catheter at home

Foley catheter not working or draining? How to flush a Foley catheter

How to maintain a catheter

Dressings and wound care

Wound vac

Jumpstart dressing

Packing a wound

Hydrofera Blue application instructions

Cast care from orthopaedic specialists

The easiest way to put on compression socks

Feeding tube

Feeding through enteral tube

Women's Health & Maternity

Safe sleep for baby

Never, ever, shake a baby: a video for new parents

Your first Pap smear: what to expect

What is a mammogram? Everything you need to know


How to inject insulin

Coumadin (warfarin), diet and atrial fibrillation

Understanding Coumadin (warfarin)

How to self-inject Lovenox®

Medical diagnoses

How to tell If I have atrial fibrillation (A fib) or an arrhythmia

Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)

Relaxation & Meditation

I am the Adirondacks - Carl Heilman

The Wild Adirondacks - Carl Heilman

Surgical procedures

Bariatric surgery - sleeve gastrectomy

Bariatric surgery - gastric bypass/Roux en Y

Colostomy/ileostomy care: pouch change

Colostomy/ileostomy care: problem solving

Living with limb loss: What amputees can expect during the first six months post-surgery

What is a Urostomy? (Ileal Conduit)


CPM (continuous passive motion) knee bending machine remote instructions

Knee T-scope brace

Safety tips for avoiding oxygen fires at home


What are the signs of kidney disease?

What is dialysis like? Does it hurt?

What will happen when I go into kidney failure?

What causes kidney stones?


Healthy eating with diabetes

How can I prevent type 2 diabetes?

Three things you need to know about flu season

What should you do if you get flu?

Palliative Care

Understanding palliative care

Adirondack Health does not own the rights to any of these videos, nor the advertisements.
These videos are one of many tools to help you along your way in your recovery, and to help provide an accessible educational platform to our patients.

Brought to you by the Innovation and Technology Council at Adirondack Health.

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